Friday, August 30, 2013

Wellness: Physical Component

I was able to attend a conference yesterday which focused on medical ethics but also had a dynamic speaker on compassion fatigue. As I sat and listened to her my mind was working double time both assessing fatigue potentially creeping into my work life as well as my personal life. 

Her basic construct was that for wellness to be balanced it has to have a balance and recognition of multiple components: emotional, physical, work, spiritual, and social.

I'm a processor, so I tried to take it all in during the presentation and now that I am sitting with a cup of coffee I can actually put into words what I have been feeling one component at a time. 

Meg's Physical Wellness

Being pregnant has thrown me for a loop physically. I have been so fortunate to not have negative physical symptoms so from the very beginning I have been running and trying to stay fit/maintain my previous functioning. But I have to admit I am tired! 

This morning when I went for my run I jogged for about a mile and then walked until I was back. At the point I decided to walk I had an argument with myself about whether it would count or not. I know this sounds ridiculous and is my own issue, but do other pregnant women struggle with maintaining what you had always done?

Example #2- being efficient. I have always prided myself on being efficient. After writing that out I realize that might be the root of the problem but being efficient in my household, running errands and getting things done has been something I do well. Now I am finding that physically I am more and more tired and I can't keep up with the pace I had been maintaining even 2 weeks ago. 

I talked with my mother about this as she is a good gauge for me and she said clearly- "Meg, you have got to slow down." Ok, but what does that mean? When you are someone that takes pride in a checked off list, fitting in one more to-do before you collapse, or one more "good thing" added to the schedule where do I start? 
I think one place to start is a realization of how much I attach my "worth" or personality to productivity and efficiency. Which kind of seems crazy to me as I also try to be a thoughtful, caring person and efficiency sounds so cold and mechanical. 

I'm not sure where this drive came from but I do know that it has caused me to miss out on some moments because I rushed through the day getting things done. 

I may be the only person struggling here but I want to consciously make a shift. To get the physical wellness piece of the pie better under control I want to take a look at my shoulds in regards to exercise and efficiency and instead see how this outsized piece is causing other areas to shrink. 

- walk 5-6 times a week and let go of having to run

- take a look at our calendar and talk with Adam about what we are committing to

- less focus on efficiency and more on the moments

Thanks for processing with me. I will let you know how this goes and tackle the other pieces of the pie one at a time. 

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